
Games we play:
Left 4 Dead
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory





We started a clan for Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddlers Green.
If you're here, you either found this from xfire, or the server we run in LOTD.
We have started to schedule LOTD clan games every friday around 7. They take place in the Zombie Apocalypse Survivors
Any members interested in becoming Clan Server Admin, should apply with Hellfroze. We are looking for 4 members
who play LOTD a lot, and are familiar with bladein commands.
Those of you with higher ranks, that have abilities to recruit or post events, should do that. Feel free to export clan
events into other games. If Nile or Hellfroze do not play those games, the highest ranked member who does is the clan leader
for that game.






