1. No Cheating of any kind.
This means don't do anything that goes against game rules, or gives you an unfair advantage. Like hacking (which really
isn't hacking, because its just scripts).
2. Respect Everyone
Don't provoke, or harrass anyone. Only talk shit in self-defense. If someone in the ZAS server is causing problems, report
them to freezeover98 on xfire.
Violating these rules will result in your membership status being demoted to "Probation" until you prove yourself
worthy of promotion to "Member." We have a ranking system that allows for promotions to higher levels. Being put on probation
causes you to lose your rank. You'll have to work your way back up starting at the lowest rank (that is, if you come off probation).
Members on probation for more than a month will be kicked from the clan.
This is all for now. New rules and amendments can be added at any time.